Rabu, 09 November 2011

Steve Jobs Interview: 'Steve Jobs The Lost Inteview' Opens in Cinemas Soon

Steve Jobs Interview: 'Steve Jobs The Lost Inteview' Opens in Cinemas Soon

An hour-long interview with author Bob Cringely interviewing Apple co-founder Steve Jobs​ in 1995 is at the heart of the new film Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview, which will be playing starting November 19th. A trailer for the film has appeared on YouTube, showing excerpts of the 1995 interview, when Jobs was still with NeXT Computer but shortly before he would sell the company to Apple and eventually return as CEO.

The 90-second trailer features some commentary from Cringely to put the interview in context. The full interview had been thought lost for decades until a VHS copy was recently uncovered in the director's garage. After undergoing some digital cleanup, the discussion -- which was original filmed for use in Cringely's PBS series "The Triumph of the Nerds​" has been expanded with supplementary footage and will be screened for limited release. Only a small portion of the interview was ever actually used in the TV series.

The trailer reveals that Jobs will recount some of his own life story, including a celebrated incident also shared in the new biography by Walter Isaacson​ where Jobs and co-founder Steve Wozniak​, having made their own "blue box" to make unauthorized long-distance calls, impersonate Henry Kissinger​ and call the Vatican to speak to the Pope. In the interview, Jobs characterizes himself and Woz as "two guys who didn't know much" and reveals his dream of pushing "the way we could ratchet up our species" - "take the best and spread it around to everybody, so that everybody grows up with better things."

Jobs also talks candidly about his forced departure from Apple and what he is doing at NeXT, along with his prescient vision of a digital future. In 1995, Jobs was near the end of his "time in the wilderness" after being forced out of Apple. Though NeXT had yet to become a financial success, the roots of its loyal followers and Jobs' success with pushing computer boundaries had begun to catch on, and the CEO again felt that he was at the top of his game and doing great things.

The interview offers a number of memorable quotes, including one that has seen much reprinting lately, where Jobs declares that the "only problem with Microsoft is that they just have no taste," and that when he was working on the Macintosh project he thought "we were on a mission from God to save Apple."

The documentary will be opening in 19 cities, exclusively at Landmark Theaters.

Steve Jobs The Lost Inteview - Trailer:

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